Monday Jul 31, 2023

Ep 10: Interview with Ariel Rosenbaum

“When it's not your family, we don't have that baggage of when we were kids with the sibling or the parent and family dynamics. So it's really easy for us to just enter as a third neutral party and make recommendations,” explains Ariel Rosenbaum, experienced social worker and CEO of Senior Services of Austin. Aging can be a really complicated process for families to navigate, especially when a loved one’s health begins to decline. After an eye opening experience with her own grandfather's health decline and care management that left much to be desired, Ariel was inspired to create her company for better local senior services. This full service care management agency run by a team of social workers and nurses tied in perfectly with her pre-existing business, Texas Family Services, which provides assistance with housing placement for seniors. 


As someone who runs multiple successful businesses simultaneously, Ariel is no stranger to hard-work. What came less naturally was recognizing when it was time to take a break or allow herself to delegate tasks to others. Ariel shares that her biggest tip for new business owners is to delegate any tasks that are not within their expertise. She also is a big proponent of self-care, explaining that self-care is part of a CEO’s responsibilities. After all, if the CEO does not take care of themselves, they cannot do their job as effectively or be there to support their employees and clients. When it comes to celebrating the wins, Ariel and her team lower the stress and dial up the fun with casual group breakfasts and lunches. 

CEOs are passionate and driven people and Ariel is no exception. Her passion for working with the elderly has enabled her to create multiple businesses that each serve a different, yet interwoven purpose. Although she is very busy, Ariel also makes sure to prioritize time for herself and her family, whether that be through delegating tasks to free up her plate, taking the rare vacation, or simply making time for self-care throughout the week.


  • “When it's not your family, we don't have that baggage of when we were kids with the sibling or the parent and family dynamics. So it's really easy for us to just enter as a third neutral party and make recommendations.” (7:48 | Ariel)
  • “If I could go back and tell my earlier self, it would have been to pass stuff off sooner, especially stuff that wasn't my expertise.” (13:12 | Ariel)
  • “My team loves to get together for breakfast or lunch and just hang out, talk and kind of take out the stress and bring the fun.” (18:24 | Ariel)
  • “As social workers, we can't advocate for our clients and take care of our clients if we haven't taken care of us.” (22:39 | Ariel) 
  • “As a CEO and a business owner, the best gift I have received would be from my brother in law who encouraged me to start my own company.” (24:42 | Ariel) 

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